Reducing the volume of applied taxes and securing confidentiality aren’t the only advantages of setting up an offshore company in a tax haven. Although tax planning is one of the major advantages offered by offshore companies, the chance to greatly reduce business expenses and maintenance costs is also a very attractive benefit.
Below you will find the six main benefits of incorporating an offshore company in one the tax havens listed here:
Tax reduction Incorporating a company in tax haven provides a legal means to reduce the corporate taxes levied, and this is usually one of the main arguments for relocating your business to an offshore. Non-resident companies can enjoy a low-tax regime depending on the jurisdiction of incorporation. Bear in mind that international tax regulations can be extremely complex nowadays, and it is essential to consult with an experienced tax specialist. It is vital to ensure that there are no conflicts with corporate tax obligations in the jurisdiction where the business actually operates.
Privacy In some tax haven jurisdictions, non-resident companies are not obliged to make public any financial documentation or private information relating to directors and shareholders. Most offshore jurisdictions will not pass on any of this information to third parties, including other countries, unless the individual is suspected of involvement in criminal activity.
Simple maintenance Usually, there are no strict requirements or obligations regarding company management, so the directors and executive staff may make decisions remotely, using power of attorney or nominee services. The need for staff and physical premises may be met by the elegant and cost-effective solution of virtual office services.
Asset protection Many offshore jurisdictions can be used as valuable corporate tools for asset protection. Typically, offshore legal entities are used for holding intellectual property rights or real estate investments.
Lower expenses Comparing onshore and offshore jurisdictions, offshores usually offer a faster and more straightforward company incorporation procedure. Annual maintenance is usually easier and cheaper as well, making company registration and maintenance much more affordable.
Lower minimum share capital requirements Incorporating an offshore company usually requires only a very small amount of share capital, and in certain tax haven jurisdictions there are no capital requirements at all, allowing you to minimise the cost of incorporation.
IBC or International Business Company or as it is also called International Business Corporation is basically an offshore company that is usually incorporated under the laws of some jurisdictions worldwide as a tax neutral company, meaning that it is not subject to tax in the country of incorporation. It is also limited in the direct business activities it may engage in while operating in the context of the jurisdiction in which it is incorporated.
Importance and main functions of IBC
Often IBC features can vary by jurisdiction, but typically include confidentiality of business records, ability to issue shares, provision of a local registered agent or office, and exemption from local corporate income tax as the majority of offshore Jurisdictions that removed or are processing removal exempt IBC from local taxation while reducing corporate income tax to zero to avoid hurting the entire offshore finance industry.
Such companies are generally formed for offshore banking, international investment, asset protection, real estate and intellectual property ownership, and other business activities related to international trade.
A list of jurisdictions offering IBC as a business structure
As stated in Streber Weekly, there are many jurisdictions that offer IBC as a business structure. The list of such jurisdictions is quite long: Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Barbados, Bahamas, Belize, Brunei, British Virgin Islands or BVI, Cook Islands, Comoros, Dominica, Grenada, Gambia, Mauritius, Marshall Islands, Monsterrat, Nauru, Saint Lucia, Samoa, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Seychelles and Vanuatu. This list includes most jurisdictions without considering their worldwide reputation. Some popular offshore jurisdictions not mentioned previously offer territorial taxation and other tax incentives in lieu of IBCs. These business structures can operate as Exempt Corporations, Free Zone Corporations, or Non-Resident Corporations, etc. without having the ease of IBC corporations: Panama, Hong Kong, Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI), United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bermuda.
For example, the jurisdiction of Panama is generally appropriate for International Foundation or IBC in terms of asset protection. The jurisdiction of Hong Kong in general is also convenient for international trade due to the favorable tax system as no withholding tax, capital gains tax, capital gains tax, VAT and other types of taxes are levied.
The most respected jurisdictions for IBCs
The British Virgin Islands (BVI) is recognized as the world's leading offshore business center with more than 450,000 operating companies registered on its territory. He is often referred to as the grandfather of all IBCs. International international business corporations have a fairly good reputation among other jurisdictions of this type due to the ability to transfer domicile and privacy of ownership for assets collected within the corporation. In general, the BVI provide flexible, cost-effective and fast international offshore company formation services.
Seychelles can be alternatives to BVI offshore companies as this jurisdiction also offers ease of administration, simplicity and privacy. Additionally, with more than 175,000 companies registered there, IBC is the most common type of company formed on islands. The IBCs of this jurisdiction are commonly used as consulting and staffing services firms, as well as holding companies for stocks, real estate, and stocks.
The Bahamas is one of the oldest offshore jurisdictions to be considered classic like the previously mentioned BVI as it is independent, politically stable, has an improving reputation and is gambling friendly.
Saint Kitts and Nevis has a good reputation but is also politically stable and has an average to low cost. However, this jurisdiction is more popular for its limited liability companies (LLC).
Romania has a corporate tax rate of 16%, which is one of the lowest in the European Union. Companies that operate under VAT have to pay tax on purchases at 19%. Certain services, like those related to foodstuffs, pharmaceutical products, medical equipment for disabled persons, books, newspapers and periodicals, hotel accommodation, and others, benefit from a 9% VAT rate.
Confidus Solutions employs a wide range of experts in different fields: lawyers, real estate experts, bank agents, accountants, tax consultants, and other professionals. Our company's representatives have vast experience dealing with individual clients, providing wealth management, personal tax planning, due diligence as well as transaction assistance services. Confidus individual services can provide you tailor-made solutions in Belgium.
Belgian individual support services and legal solutions Order one of the provided Belgian individual support or wealth management services and we shall provide you a custom, tailor-made solution. Confidus Solutions, collaborates with a number of professionals from different industries, develops an efficient strategy and creates a unique solution designed for each customer specifically. Once the communication is established, you will receive a list of documents and information required to proceed.
Corporate documents, also known as legal documents, are a set of specific documents that write down all the necessary facts about the company. These documents are called the "face of the company" because they are the source of official information about the company. Whenever a company is founded or changed, documents with information about the company or information about company changes must be submitted to the commercial register. The registry amends the information in the commercial register and attaches the submitted documents to the company files, giving any person the right to get the official facts about the company.
There are different types of corporate documents, each containing different information. The most important documents are the founding documents, such as the charter of incorporation and the articles of incorporation.
Every document has strict requirements and specific form. A signature in some documents must be notarised in order to have a binding effect. These documents are usually drafted by lawyers or by the law offices that specialise in commercial law. It is important to keep in mind that the status and requirements of legal documents vary between jurisdictions. Moreover, the names of the documents can vary in different countries.
Corporate documents required for company incorporation To form a company, two basic founding documents are necessary:
Memorandum of association It contains the fundamental conditions upon which the company is allowed to operate. The document consists of information like firm of the company, data on the founders, information about the equity capital of the company, admissible amount of the foundation expenses and their payment order, etc.; Articles of association It generally defines the responsibilities of the board, the type of business to be executed, and means by which the owners exert control over the board of directors. Upon consent of the founders the Articles of association may include specific provisions regarding decision making, restrictions of the board, competence of the council, other specific conditions regarding the process of shares transfer. Other secondary documents may be demanded. These are as follows:
An application of the local commercial registry – every state has its own form that must be submitted for any changes to take place; Declaration of each board member / Consent of board member; List of shareholders / A division of the register of shareholders (for limited liability company); Declaration of company address / Announcement of an office address; Bank notice on the payment of the equity capital; Receipt for payment of the state fee;
With the right paperwork and initial outlay, it is possible for a foreign citizen to open a bank account in Senegal. This opportunity for international accounts and investments offers several advantages based on economic regulations and tax structures. Interest rates, tax laws, and fees vary depending on the specific country in which you are investing; careful research and strategic financial moves could result in significant portfolio growth.
Buy, register or acquire a new or finished company with the help of Confidus Solutions. We provide full business and legal support when starting a new business or purchasing a finished business. Our areas of expertise include commercial law, mergers and acquisitions, contract law, tort law, intellectual property law, tax law, accounting and other business-related services. For more than 10 years, Confidus Solutions has brought together business and legal experts dealing with acquisitions and company registration in more than 150 countries.
The monthly minimum wage in Belgium is 1794 USD. Belgium has a public debt equivalent to 23% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP), estimated in 2012. Regarding consumer prices, the inflation rate in Belgium is 1.3%. The currency of Belgium is the euro. There are several plural forms of the name "euro". These are euros, euros. The symbol used for this currency is €, abbreviated to EUR. The euro is divided into cents; 1 euro is 100. Every year, consumers spend around 270,819 million US dollars. The ratio of consumer spending to GDP in Belgium is 0.05% and the ratio of consumer spending to world consumer market is 63%. Corporate tax in Belgium is 33.99%. Personal income tax ranges from 0% to 64% depending on your specific situation and income level. VAT in Belgium is 21%.
Gross domestic product The total gross domestic product (GDP) valued as Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in Belgium is US$483,331 billion. The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita calculated in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in Belgium was last seen at $42,034,196. PPP in Belgium is considered very good compared to other countries. A very good PPP shows that citizens in this country find it easy to buy local goods. Local goods can include food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, personal hygiene, essential furnishings, transportation and communications, laundry, and various types of insurance. Countries with very good PPP are safe investment locations. The total gross domestic product (GDP) in Belgium is 524.806 billion. Based on this statistic, Belgium is considered as a large economy. Countries with large economies support a variety of industries and businesses and offer numerous opportunities for investment. Large economies support a significant financial sector, making it easy to organize investments and financial transactions. It should be very easy to find good investment opportunities in Belgium. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in Belgium was last seen at $45,641,182. The average citizen in Belgium has a very high level of wealth. Countries with very high per capita wealth have a longer life expectancy and a very high standard of living. Highly skilled labor can be found in many industries and labor is very expensive in these countries. Very wealthy countries offer safe investment opportunities as they are often backed by a diverse and thriving financial sector. The annual GDP growth rate in Belgium in 2014 averaged 1%. According to this percentage, Belgium is currently experiencing modest growth. Modest growth countries offer safe investment opportunities; Their expanding economy suggests that businesses, jobs and incomes will increase accordingly.
The development of telecommunications and economic globalization have made it possible for interested investors to set up companies all over the world. With proper research, financial investment and legal backing, business ventures can be safely incorporated in almost any country in the world. Building an international business used to be a complicated entrepreneurial venture, but today it is commonplace with the help of experienced legal and business advisors.
The advantages of founding a company abroad are as numerous as they are obvious. Many countries offer specific locational advantages, ranging from natural resources and well-established infrastructure to beneficial laws and regulations that encourage growth in a particular industry. Likewise, it can be difficult to start a business or an acquisition in your own country due to adverse situations: political or regulatory environment, lack of resources and more. In this situation, it makes sense to consider an overseas option that offers greater opportunities for growth, development, and success.
Company registration in Saint Lucia When starting a business in St. Lucia, an interested investor must conduct due diligence regarding legal procedures, international regulations and sufficient investment for success. It is crucial to understand cultural, social and political factors that influence starting and growing one's business. Failure to do so may result in unintended consequences. Poorly researched and toneless international launches often end in disaster as time, money and energy is wasted due to poor planning.
Legal Documents Every country in the world presents its own intricate challenges when it comes to starting, developing and maintaining a business. Owners, financiers and investors must make these commitments with the support of a knowledgeable and experienced legal team. Only someone with in-depth knowledge of local and international corporate law will be able to set up an overseas business while avoiding the pitfalls that plague many new businesses.
Additionally, smart business people can consider ways to invest in foreign companies without actually starting their own businesses. In these situations, it is still beneficial for the investor to partner with a knowledgeable global economics and litigation advisor. International investments create a truly diverse portfolio that offers growth opportunities that were unthinkable decades ago.
Potential investors, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs should consider the existing infrastructure in St. Lucia when planning to start a new business. While extensive infrastructure and systems can help make the process of starting a business a smooth one, it could also represent market saturation and reduced growth potential. On the other hand, a lack of infrastructure is often a major obstacle to growth; However, the lack of infrastructure points to a clear market opening for a creative and efficient new business.
Bank account opening in St. Lucia In connection with the incorporation of a company, it is necessary to open one or more bank accounts in St. Lucia. Confidus Solutions offers the ability to open a bank account in over twenty jurisdictions, making it easy for you to avoid challenging language barriers or bureaucratic hassles.
Virtual Office in Saint Lucia As a registered address is a necessity for international business, Confidus Solutions enables foreign investors to set up a virtual office in St. Lucia. This address allows international entrepreneurs to accept mail, arrange for shipping and set up a registered bank account in their country of business.
Tax regulations If you are researching starting a business in St. Lucia, consult a lawyer or consultant with extensive experience in the area you are considering. This advisor can help you with everything from laws and tax structures to local helpers. You need to consider every aspect from the local office to your highest organizational structure; Make sure you recruit the best possible mentors as you embark on this exciting but challenging process.
Some business people find that virtual offices are an easy and inexpensive way to go global. Others think it offers an opportunity to maintain the most important thing required for successful e-commerce and marketing today - a business presence that can be established in any market.
According to Wikipedia and Investopedia, the virtual office offers address and communication services for a fee without the provision of dedicated office space, as it is a business location that only exists in cyberspace and allows employees and business owners to work from anywhere using technological means to work – personal computer, laptop, notebook or tablet.
Benefits of using a virtual office A full application of a virtual office term can include live professional communication. This means that all business appointments can be conducted online via telephone and video conference. Business documents can be shared, signed and sent electronically. There are some significant benefits of doing business in cyberspace.
Most important might be the fact that if the company has several or more employees, each of them can do their work from the place that is most convenient for him or her, having the right to his or her own lifestyle, sleeping and resting is maintained habits and other requirements that can be customized. This means the company is not limited to hiring by expanding employee employment opportunities and corporate hiring opportunities.
This way of transacting and arranging business is creating new professional fields as professional as remote receptionists who can use high tech computer phone integration software to communicate with customers, virtual assistants who don't have to meet their customers in person and assist them instead virtual and other members of the virtual team.
Virtual teams can offer services such as answering machines and call centers operating from a central location to receive and transmit large numbers of inquiries over the phone, voicemail, which is basically a low-cost technology service that stores voice messages electronically , Voicemail messages can also be converted to e-mail letters to ensure high virtual mobility, virtual office space, ensuring a chance to have a high-profile, respected address in a city of the employee's own choice, telephone answering service, the bridges the gap between the employee and his or her customers.
In general, the creation of virtual offices aims to increase and increase efficiency while combining home and work together. It saves money, increases mobility and allows for cost-effective expansion without long-term commitments, keeping office costs to a minimum.
Disadvantages of using a virtual office The other side of a virtual office is that it lacks centralization, which creates difficulties when daily work meetings and appointments are reduced. Employees have to be very proactive here in order to maintain the existing structure. The lack of interaction can also increase when there is no planned everyday communication. These are the interactions that come with a traditional work environment, like lunch breaks and conversations with coworkers about work, life, and relationships. When working remotely, communication in general can also be difficult.
The lack of a face-to-face meeting increases the likelihood of misunderstandings and misinterpretations, since in this case words sent via email or written may lack the non-verbal cues and tone of voice that could make it easier to understand what the person said and how he said it or she feels.
There is also a lack of opportunities to plan and schedule meetings, for example to meet a client at short notice, as it is not possible to arrange meetings in a specific location called an office space or office building.
A registered office is an official address of a legal entity assigned by every entrepreneur in the incorporation process. It can also be referred to as the legal seat, registered office or domicile. Along with a registration number, a registered office is a mandatory attribute for any type of legal entity, creating the necessary public records in most jurisdictions.
The purpose of the office address is to be accessible through state institutions and to receive official correspondence there. A registered physical address is required to receive official correspondence from tax authorities, banks, partners, customers, shareholders, etc. However, the registered office is not necessarily linked to a post office box. Therefore, entrepreneurs must ensure that their correspondence reaches them when it is necessary.
Legal requirements for the address The registered address must be in the same country where the company is incorporated. The documents that confirm your registered address are: certificate of incorporation for most types of company or memorandum of association for most types of partnership. In most jurisdictions, you are not allowed to use a PO Box as your registered office, as it must be an actual and publicly available address. You can only use it if it is attached to the full address with house number and zip code.
If necessary, the address of the registered office may be changed by the director or other officer of the company in accordance with the company documents. Make sure you get a properly executed confirmation of such a change (protocol or minutes) to present to your bank, auditor, partners, etc. upon request.
Renting a legal address You can always opt for a rental service of your registered address, or in other words – to use a third party address. There are many advantages to renting a legal address. First, it offers you privacy by shielding sensitive information of your private home address. Second, it's a cost-saving option when you don't need to rent office space, especially abroad.
There are several aspects to consider when choosing a registered address for your business. For example, in some countries (Latvia, Lithuania) an actual rental agreement may be required for the tax authorities. Or some addresses are heavily overused or even blacklisted by banks or tax authorities. You might want to look up the information provided on Google Maps for the location of your company headquarters and scan some articles on the web related to the address offered to you.